Automatic parking system and car lifts
Park Più
Automatic parking for hospital in Jordan

Automatic parking for hospital in Jordan

Parkpiù is building a new automated parking system for the Amman Hospital in Jordan, which will feature 600 parking spaces for the hospital's health workers and patients.

Photo Gallery / Automatic parking for hospital in Jordan

The new parking system will have 600 parking spaces and will be able to guarantee users reliability even in the event of a breakdown.

Parkpiù's project consists of an automated public parking system for a hospital located in the centre of Amman, Jordan.

The automated parking system will provide 600 parking spaces and will be used by healthcare professionals, patients and all visitors to the hospital.

The overall system is equipped with advanced technical features, including high redundancy, whereby if one technical component fails, others take over, so that the customer is not affected by the technical problem at any given time. The smooth operation of the system is therefore permanently guaranteed. 

To complete the overall system, a system of automatic cash dispensers has been set up, which will make it possible to pay for parking easily and automatically.
